In order to deliver and visualize the various geo-spatial results produced by the various MIND STEP modeling teams, MIND STEP has installed a GeoServer instance, connected to a PostgreSQL database in combination with a Content Management System (CMS) for designing the web map content and a User Interface (UI) to provide data services and download services. The entire infrasturucture is open source. This effort will eventually form part of the basis for interacting with stakeholders, the research community and the public via the spatial MIND STEP data.
For this version, published GLOBIOM results have been added to the GeoServer for demonstration purposes, along with agricultural in-situ data being collected in real time from the CropObserve mobile app. As additional model datasets are ready they will be ingested. We are also in the process of automating the upload of data to the system. A unique landing page was created with additional information as well as a web map with common features.